Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)

 1. Functional Statement

  1.  To enhance public safety by providing humane safekeeping and developments of inmates of the La Trinidad Municipal Jail.

2. Objective

  1.  To improve the living condition of inmates in accordance with the accepted standard set by the United Nations.
  2. To enhance safekeeping and developments of inmates in preparation for their eventual reintegration into the mainstream of society upon their release.
  3. To professionalize jail services.
  4. Enhance jail service through innovations
  5. Formulate policies and guidelines in the administration of Municipal Jail.
  6. Implement strong security measures for the control of inmates.
  7. Conduct activities for the development of inmates.
  8. Improve jail facilities.
  9. Promote the general welfare and development of personnel; and,
  10. Alleviate boredom and develop inmates to be productive during their stay in jail.