La Trinidad Fire Department
1. Functional Statement
- Prevention and suppression of all destructive fires.
- First-aid and rescue operation
- Fire Investigation
- Fire prevention and safety campaign-training program
- Enforcement of PD 1185 and other related laws
- Calamity prevention
2. Objective
- To safeguard human life and preservation of property.
- To conduct rescue, recovery, evaluation of victims and administer temporary care.
- To design, give recommendation, installation of safety measures to minimize danger products of fire, and to reduce losses of life and properties
- To determine the original causes of fire and to establish the elements of crime and if necessary file the proper complaints.
- To promote fire prevention and safety preparedness among the people especially in the barangays.
- To help minimized occurrence of natural calamities.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
1. Functional Statement
- First Aid and Rescue Operation
- Fire Prevention and Suppression
- Disaster Prevention
2. Objective
- To safeguard human life and preservation of property.
- To provide an array of public health and safety services.
- To provide a critical difference in emergency patient care.
- To provide two essential public services under one bureau, as fire fighter and as a medical team.