- Functions and Objectives
- Citizen's Charter
- Organizational Chart
1. Functional Statement
- Cleansing of CVL database (Dead voters, double registrants and the like);
- Manual updating of Voter’s Registration Record (VRR);
- Issuance of Certificates (Voter’s Certificate / Affidavit, Certified True Copy of Voter’s Registration Record, Certified True Copy of CVL Form 1-B);
- Dissemination and implementation of COMELEC Resolutions and pertinent laws (Voter’s Education and “Operation Baklas”);
- Perform the functions of the COMELEC as contained in the Philippine Constitution and the Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines; and
- Perform other duties and functions as may be assigned by the COMELEC.
2. Objective
- To inform all deactivated voters regarding the removal of their names in the list of voters thru the posting of a list of deactivated voters in noticeable area/s, & by furnishing a copy of said list to each Barangay;
- To coordinate with the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) regarding the removal of the names of dead voters and the like;
- To ensure that all VRRs and other pertinent records are kept in order, all such records must be updated manually;
- Information dissemination of COMELEC updates to the different Barangays of La Trinidad;
- To issue Voter’s Certificate/ Affidavit and other related documents to registered voters upon request; and,
- To achieve the performance of other related duties and functions as may be assigned by the COMELEC.