• Functions and Objectives
  • Citizen's Charter
  • Organizational Chart


 1. Functional Statement

  1.  Cleansing of CVL database (Dead voters, double registrants and the like);
  2. Manual updating of Voter’s Registration Record (VRR);
  3. Issuance of Certificates (Voter’s Certificate / Affidavit, Certified True Copy of Voter’s Registration Record, Certified True Copy of CVL Form 1-B);
  4. Dissemination and implementation of COMELEC Resolutions and pertinent laws (Voter’s Education and “Operation Baklas”);
  5. Perform the functions of the COMELEC as contained in the Philippine Constitution and the Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines; and
  6. Perform other duties and functions as may be assigned by the COMELEC.

2. Objective

  1.  To inform all deactivated voters regarding the removal of their names in the list of voters thru the posting of a list of deactivated voters in noticeable area/s, & by furnishing a copy of said list to each Barangay;
  2. To coordinate with the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) regarding the removal of the names of dead voters and the like;
  3. To ensure that all VRRs and other pertinent records are kept in order, all such records must be updated manually;
  4. Information dissemination of COMELEC updates to the different Barangays of La Trinidad;
  5. To issue Voter’s Certificate/ Affidavit and other related documents to registered voters upon request; and,
  6. To achieve the performance of other related duties and functions as may be assigned by the COMELEC.