- Mayor's Office
- Municipal Treasurer's Office
- Municipal Engineering Office
- Municipal Assessor's Office
- Municipal Planning Development Office
- Municipal Civil Registrar's Office
- Municipal Legal's Office
- Municipal Budget Office
- Municipal Accounting Office
- Municipal Agriculture Office
- Municipal Social Welfare Development Office
- Municipal Health Office
“We envision a La Trinidad that is safe, dynamic, ecologically-balanced and peaceful, where God-loving and healthy people live in an atmosphere of social justice and effective governance.”
Our mission is to provide for adequate, dedicated and responsive services to enable our citizens to live in comfort and prosperity, through judicious utilization of resources, and active multi-sectoral people’s participation.
Good Governance:
- Honesty, accountability, transparency, and citizen’s participation in government;
- Transparent generation and judicious use of public funds;
- Highest standard of public service from all public servants;
- Institutionalize people’s participation in government programs;
- Partner with local and international links for effective, efficient and innovative services;
- Using research , monitoring and evaluation in development planning;
- Institutionalize gender and development in service delivery;
Social Development:
- Mainstreaming poverty reduction, empowerment of the poor and the vulnerable groups in government programs;
- Just and lasting peace under the rule of law;
- Effective, efficient and innovative delivery of social services in:
- Health, Nutrition, and Sanitation
- Quality Education
- Social Welfare
Economic Development:
- For La Trinidad to be a Premier Economic Hub in the Cordilleras and to be known as:
- One of the Premier Tourist Destinations in the Cordilleras
- “The Organic Farming Capital of the Cordilleras”;
- Sustaining its title “ Strawberry Capital of the Philippines;
- Sustaining its title “Rose Capital of the Philippines”;
- Provided with basic infrastructure support facilities for socio-economic activities;
Environmental Development:
- A community free from pollution within a preserved and enhanced natural environment;
- Where we prevent control and minimize the occurrence of destruction to life and property;
- And protect the integrity of the environment within the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
1. Functional Statement
- Exercise general supervision and control over all programs, projects, services and activities of the municipality.
- Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the governance of the municipality and in the exercise of its corporate powers.
- Initiate and maximize the generation of resources and revenues, and apply the same to the implementation of development plans, programs, objectives and priorities as provided in Section 18 of the Local Government Code of 1991.
- Ensure the delivery of basic services and the provision of adequate facilities.
- Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
2. Objective
To be able to continually render the above stated functions of this office and other functions and duties as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
Municipal Treasurer’s Office
1. Functional Statement
- Collect local taxes and other sources of revenues as provided for under book 11 of the Local Government Code of 1991 or R.A. 7160
- Take charge of disbursements of all municipal as other funds entrusted to him by law or by competent authority.
- Advice Municipal Mayor, the Sangguniang Bayan and other Local Government and National Offices concerned regarding the disposition of local government funds and other matters relative to public finance.
- Take custody of and exercise proper management of the funds and properties of the local government concerned.
- Inspect commercial and industrial establishments in relation to the implementation of tax ordinances pursuant to the provisions under Book II of the LGC.
- Maintain and update the tax information system of the municipality.
2. Objectives
- To collect 100% of the estimated income
- To come up with a scheme for a systematic tax collection.
- To be able to come up with submission of financial reports on time.
- To initiate incentives and awards to deserving employees.
Municipal Engineering Office
Municipal Engineering Office
1. Functional Statement
The Municipal Engineering Office is primarily responsible in the administration and implementation of infrastructure development and public works project of the Local Government Unit.
The Municipal Engineer is also mandated to act as the Local Building Official. As such, he shall be responsible in the enforcement of the provisions of the National Building Code (PD 1096) and its IRR, such as, but not limited to the administrative control and/ or supervision of all activities relating to the processing & issuance of Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy covering the construction, addition, repair, renovation and/or demolition of buildings/structures within the locality.
2. Objective
- To initiate, review and recommend changes in policies and objectives, plans and programs, techniques, procedures and practices in infrastructure development and public works in general of the local government unit;
- Advise the Mayor in infrastructure, public works and other engineering matters;
- Administer, coordinate, supervise and control the construction, maintenance, improvement and repair/rehabilitation of public buildings, roads and bridges and other engineering and public projects of the local government;
- Provide engineering services to the local government unit concerned including technical investigation and survey, engineering design, feasibility studies and project management;
- Strict and impartial enforcement of the provisions of Building Code and its IRR, as well as circulars, memoranda, opinions and decisions/ orders issued pursuant thereto;
- Accomplish other duties and task of the Building Official as may be assigned by the DPWH Secretary from time to time;
- To exercise other powers and performance of such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
Municipal Assessor’s Office
1. Functional Statement
- Establish a systematic method of assessment in a manner prescribed in the Manual on Real Property Appraisal and Assessment Operations (MRPAAO) and in accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the Secretary of Finance.
- Install and maintain a real property identification and accounting system.
- Prepare, install and maintain a system of tax mapping showing graphically all property subject to assessment and gather all data concerning the same.
- Undertake the 2010 General Revision in accordance to Sangguniang Panlalawigan Ordinance 10-139.
- Make frequent physical surveys to check and determine whether all real properties within the locality are properly listed in the assessment rolls.
- Enforce uniformly the exemptions from real property tax as prescribed in the MRPAAO.
- Keep Records of all transfers, leases and mortgages of real property, rentals, cost of construction of buildings and other improvements on lands for assessment records purposes.
- Cancel assessment in case of duplication of assessment on one property in accordance to item B, Section 3, Chapter V of the MRPAAO.
- Decrease the assessment where the property previously assessed has suffered a substantial loss of value by reason of physical and economic obsolescence.
- Increase the assessment where improvements and repairs have been made upon property subsequent to the last assessment.
- Submit periodic reports to the Provincial Assessor, the BLGF-CAR, and other offices or local officials who would require the same.
2. Objectives
- Set-up the New Real Property Tax Assessment System (RPTAS) in lieu of the existing real property assessment system, observe and introduce enhancements and improvements for a more efficient, prompt and productive system. Ensure the systematic method of real property assessment through the New RPTAS and adopt a provincial set-up to guarantee client satisfaction and convenience. It is presumed that all needed requirements and reports shall have been generated with utmost accuracy and less time and that the operation shall be of utmost functionality with proper protection/ security thereon to secure the implementation of the same.
- Update the tax maps through regular plotting of sketch plans on file and those submitted for transactions in the computer with the end view of producing a correct plotting of plans within the municipality. Collect and collate data from files of geodetic engineers in order to come up with the desired municipal plotting reference.
- To properly assess and appraise all real properties within the municipality in accordance with the 2010 Schedule of Market Values (Provincial Ordinance 10-139), and to fully comply with Office Order No. 2012-13 of the Provincial Assessor’s Office or the conduct of the General Revision Project.
- Prepare and submit lists of assessed commercial/business establishments, government owned buildings/structures, schools, churches, etc. to the Municipal Treasurer and licensing section for corresponding feedback and updates and for information.
1. Functional Statement:
- Coordinate the formulation of integrated economic, social, physical and other development plans and policies for consideration of the local government development council and special bodies;
- Conduct continuing studies, researches, and training programs necessary to evolve plans and programs for implementation;
- Integrate and coordinate all sectoral plans and studies undertaken by the different functional groups or agencies;
- Monitor and evaluate the implementation or the different programs, projects and activities in the local government unit concerned in the accordance with the approved development plan;
- Prepare comprehensive plans and other development planning documents for the consideration of the local development council;
- Analyze the income and expenditure patterns, and formulate and recommend fiscal plans and policies for consideration of the finance committee of the local government unit concerned;
- Promote people participation in development planning within the local government unit concerned;
- Exercise such supervision and control over the secretariat of the local development council; and
- Exercise such other powers and perform other function and duties as may be prescribed by law or ordinance;
- The comprehensive Municipal Zoning Ordinance 04-2000 prescribes that the office shall act as the technical arm in the implementation and regulation of land use in the municipality.
- Different Administrative orders as executive by the Local Chief Executive, directed the Office to be an active member in various sectoral councils
- Included in the other duties of the office, as directed by the Local Chief Executive are;
- Implement special projects and assists the sixteen (16) Barangays in implementing their Barangay Funded Projects;
- Assists in the conduct of Technical Survey Works; and
- Undertake maintenance works for government-owned buildings.
2. Objectives
- Pursue the approval of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) 2014-2022 by the Provincial Land Use Committee (PLUC) and the Sangguniang Bayan;
- Prepare and update the Comprehensive Municipal Development Plan (CMDP);
- Implement the revised zoning ordinance once it is approved;
- Prepare the Annual Investment Plan, 20% Development Plan and as well as update the Local Development Investment Plan (LDIP);
- Provide statistics and database as basis for planning and other researches;
- Prepare project proposals/ feasibility studies for possible fund sourcing and
- Provide technical services in barangay infrastructure projects, assist in technical surveys and social projects.
Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
1. Functional Statement:
- Civil Registrar shall be responsible for the civil registration program in the local government unit concerned, pursuant to the Civil Registry law, the Civil Code and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations issued to implement them.
- Develop plans and strategies on civil registry programs and upon approval thereof by the mayor implement particularly those which have to do with civil registry programs which the mayor is empowered to implement and which the sanggunian is empowered to provide under the code.
2. Objectives
- Accept all registrable documents and judicial decrees affecting the civil status of a person.
- File, keep and preserve in a secured place the books required by law.
- Transcribe and enter immediately upon receipt all registrable documents and judicial decrees affecting the civil status of a person in the appropriate civil registry books.
- Transmit to the office of the Civil Registrar-General within the prescribed period duplicate copies of registrable documents required by law.
- Issue certified transcripts or copies of any certified registered documents upon payment of the prescribed fees to the Municipal Treasurer.
- Receive the application for the issuance of a marriage licenses and after determining that the requirements and supporting certificates and publications thereof for the prescribed period have been complied with, issue the license upon payment of the authorized fee to the Municipal Treasurer.
- Assist, receive, prepare and decide all petitions for Correction of Clerical error of civil registry documents and after posting date, transmit to the Office of the Civil Registrar General for Review under the rules of R.A 9048.
- Prepare endorsement to OCRG for decided petition under R.A 9048, R.A 9255. Legitimating and amended documents decided by regular courts.
- Coordinate with the National Statistics Office in conducting educational campaigns for vital registration and others statistics for the local government unit concerned.
- Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
- Encode, keep and preserve a data base of all CIVIL REGESTRY DOCUMENTS for easier access when needed.
- Annotate endorsed documents under R.A 9048 (correction of clerical error), R.A 9255 (affidavit to use surname of father). Legitimation and amendments decided by regular courts.
- Prepare training designs on seminars and other related activities in upgrading better services to the clientele.
Municipal Legal Office
OFFICE VISION: We envision a La Trinidad that is dynamic, self-sustaining, ecologically balanced, safe and peaceful, where a God-loving and healthy people live in an atmosphere of social justice and governance.
MISSION: Our mission is to provide for adequate and responsive services to enable our citizens to live in comfort, security and prosperity, through maximum utilization of resources, people’s active participation, active partnership with government organization and the private sector and dedicated public service.
MANDATE: To act as a primary legal office of the Municipality.
1. Functional Statement
- To provide legal assistance to the Municipal Mayor in carrying out his sworn duty specially in the implementation of the delivery of basic services and provisions of adequate facilities as provided for under Section 17 of the Local Government Code of 1991;
- To represent the Municipality in all cases filed against or by it in court or in any quasi-judicial bodies or committees, which also includes the cases filed against or by its officials and employees due to their official functions;
- To make or assist in the drafting or ordinances, contracts, memoranda and other legal instruments involving the interest of the Municipality and to render comment or recommendation on any instruments already prepared;
- To render legal opinion or advice on various legal inquiries and issues referred by the Municipal Mayor, the Sangguniang Bayan and other municipal officials and offices including the barangay government and officials;
- To investigate or cause to be investigated any local official or employee for administrative neglect or misconduct in office and recommend appropriate action to the Municipal Mayor or Sangguniang Bayan;
- To make and file the necessary legal actions in the interest of the Municipality on any bond, lease or other contract upon any breach or violation thereof as directed by the Municipal Mayor or the Sangguniang Bayan;
- To render legal opinion on ordinances and executive orders of the various Sangguniang Barangays and Punong Barangays respective;
- To recommend measures to the Sangguniang Bayan and advise the Municipal Mayor on all matters related to upholding the rule of law;
- To render legal service for the protection of human rights and prosecuting any violation thereof;
- Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
2. Objective
To be able to continually render the above stated functions of this Office and other functions and duties as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
Municipal Budget Office
1. Functional Statement
- Prepare form, orders and circulars embodying instructions on budgetary and appropriation matters for signature of the municipal mayor.
- Review and consolidate budget proposals of the different department and offices of the local government unit;
- Provide technical assistance to the local chief executive in preparation of the Municipality’s Annual Budget under the General Fund, Economic Enterprise and Special Education Fund;
- Assist the Local Chief Executive during budget hearings; study and evaluate budgetary implications of proposed legislation and submit comments/ recommendations thereon.
- Submit periodic budgetary reports to concerned agencies;
- Assist the Sangguniang Bayan in reviewing annual/ supplemental budget of the 16 barangays of the municipality;
- Prepare monthly Registry of allotment and obligations for PS, MOOE, Capital Outlay as required by the New Government Accounting System;
- Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as maybe prescribed by law or ordinances.
2. Objectives
- Budget proposals from the different departments consolidated, for budget hearing with the Local Chief Executive and Local Finance Committee;
- Prepare quarterly Allotment Release Order (ARO) based on approved annual/ supplemental budget;
- Coordinates with the Local Chief Executive and Local Finance Committee and Sangguniang Bayan on budgetary matters;
- Provide budget updates to municipal and barangay officials;
- Required reports/ data submitted to concerned offices/ agencies on time;
- Act as Secretariat to the Municipal School Board;
- Is a member of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC);
- Make preliminary review of barangay budgets and submit recommendations to the Sangguniang Bayan for final review and approval;
- Assist barangay officials in the execution of their approved budget and development plan;
- Does other related jobs in support to the municipality’s mission/ vision.
Municipal Accounting Office
1. Functional Statement:
- The Municipal Accounting Office warrants the proper accounting of all financial transactions of the Local Government Unit (Municipal and 16 Barangay) and guarantees the observance of generally accepted accounting principles and practices, as well as sound financial management and fiscal administration. All laws and regulations applicable to financial transactions shall be faithfully adhered to and government officials participating in the transactions and operations of their office are duty bound to see that applicable laws and regulations are complied with.
2. Objectives
- The Municipal Accountant and staff shall take charge of both the accounting of financial transactions of the municipality:
- Preparation and submission of financial statements to the Municipal Mayor and to the Sangguniang Bayan;
- Preparation of statements of cash advances, liquidation, salaries, allowances reimbursement and remittances pertaining to the municipality;
- Preparation of journal vouchers and liquidation of the same and other adjustments related thereto;
- Post individual ledgers for officials and employees of the municipality pertaining to payrolls and deductions;
- Production of information concerning past operations and present condition;
- Provision for a basis for guidance for future operations; and
- Assistance of the Barangay in their preparation of Financial Statements.
2. The Municipal Accountant and staff shall take charge internal audit services of the municipality:
- Install and maintain an internal audit system in the municipality;
- Review supporting documents before preparation of vouchers to determine completeness and propriety of requirements; and
- Provision for the control of the acts of public bodies and offices in the receipt, disposition and utilization of funds/ property.
3. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinances.
Municipal Agriculture Office
To serve as the lead catalyst to agriculture and fisheries modernization with food security,
poverty alleviation and social equity, global competitiveness and resource sustainability as
fundamental concerns
“A competitive, sustainable sector driven by productive and progressive farmers and
fisherfolks, supported by efficient value chains and well integrated in the domestic and
international markets, contributing to inclusive growth and poverty reduction”, and
technology-based agriculture and fisheries
To serve as the lead catalyst to agriculture and fisheries modernization with food security,
poverty alleviation and social equity, global competitiveness and resource sustainability as
fundamental concerns.
Extension on site research services and facilities related to agriculture and fishery
activities which includes dispersal of livestock and poultry, fingerling’s, vegetable
seeds, medicinal plant gardens, fruit trees and other kinds of seedling nurseries;
Demonstration farms, improvement and development of distribution channels
preferably through cooperatives, water and soil utilization and conversion projects;
Enforcement of Fishery Laws in municipal waters including conservation of forest.
Municipal Agriculture Office
1. Functional Statement
Extension on site research services and facilitate related to agriculture and fishery activities which include dispersal of livestock and poultry, fingerling, vegetable seed farms, medicinal plant gardens, fruit trees and other kinds of seedling nurseries; demonstration farms, improvement and development of distribution channels; preferably through cooperatives; water and soil utilization and conversion projects; enforcement of fishery laws in municipal waters including conservation of forests.
2. Objectives
- To promote crop production technology and the provisions of technical assistance to farmers, mothers and youth and Rural based organization;
- To increase the farmer’s income by enhancing the productivity of stocks through provisions of breeding services and dispersal of upgraded breeds;
- To develop and tests indigenous varieties of crops adapted to municipal conditions and resources;
- To assist in the formulation of cooperatives and Rural Based Organizations (RBOs);
- To ensure a steady production of forests and fruit tree planting material for distribution;
- To advocate and educate farmers on the regulatory standards in support to agri-business and market development;
- To conduct on-farm demonstrations and trials and establish techno-demo projects;
- To conduct agri-related trainings, seminars and workshops;
- To provide quality planting materials through the maintenance of plant nurseries and seminars;
- To assist in the implementation and monitoring and regularly evaluate livelihood project;
- Intensify the implementation of agricultural programs, projects, activities thru networking with other line government agencies, non-government agencies and other partner institutions.
Municipal Social Welfare Development Office
Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office
1. Functional Statement
The Office on Social Welfare and Development is the social welfare arm of the Municipal Government mandated by Local Government Code of 1991 to address poverty-related concerns and committed to the care, protection and rehabilitation of individuals, families, groups and communities.
2. Objectives
- To strengthen families through family enrichment activities.
- To support informal sectors through capability building activities and trainings.
- To coordinate and facilitate needed services of clients with partner agencies.
- To source out and mobilize appropriate resource to respond to clients’ needs.
- To facilitate rehabilitation of clients in need of special protection.
- To encourage informal sectors to participate in community development activities.
- To provide timely, appropriate and adequate assistance to victims of natural and man-made disasters.
- To advocate for policies and measures addressing social concerns and issues.
Our mission is to provide for adequate and responsive services to enable our citizens to live in comfort and prosperity, through judicious utilization of resources, active multi-sectoral people’s participation.
Provision of quality services which are adequate and equitable through competent, responsive and compassionate health workers, effective governance and community participation.
We envision a La Trinidad that is safe, dynamic, ecologically-balanced and peaceful, where a God-loving and healthy people live in an atmosphere of social justice and effective governance.
- Section 478 of the Local Government Code stipulates that the Office of the Municipal Health Officer shall:
- Supervise the personnel and staff of the said office, formulate program implementation guidelines, rules and regulations for the operation of the said office, for the approval of the governor or mayor, as the case may be. In order to assist him in the efficient, effective and economical implementation of a health service program geared to implementation of health-related projects and activities.
- Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sanggunian and provide technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the case may be, in carrying out activities to ensure the delivery of basic services and provision of adequate facilities relative to health services under Section 17 of this code.
- Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor or mayor as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which have to do with health programs and projects which the governor or mayor, is empowered to implement and which the Sanggunian is empowered to provide for under this Code.
- In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the health officer shall:
- Formulate and implement policies, plans, programs and projects to promote the health of the people in the local government unit concerned;
- Advise the governor or mayor, as the case may be, and the Sanggunian on matters pertaining to health;
- Execute and enforce all laws, ordinances and regulations relating to public health;
- Recommend the prosecution of any violation of sanitary laws, ordinances or regulations;
- Direct the sanitary inspection of all business establishments soiling food items or providing accommodations such as hotels, motels, lodging houses, pension houses, and the like, in accordance with the Sanitation Code;
- Conduct health information campaigns and render health intelligence services;
- Coordinate with other government agencies and non-governmental organizations involved in the promotion and delivery of health services;
- Be in the front lines of the delivery of health services, particularly during and in the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities.
- Exercise such other powers and performs such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
- The office is likewise a member of different Councils and Committees.
- As directed by the Local Chief Executive, the other duties of the office is to:
A. Implement or assist in Special Projects.
Municipal Health Office
1. Functional Statement
- Provision of adequate, equitable and quality health services by competent, responsive and compassionate health workers, governed by dynamic leaders and with active community participation.
2. Objectives
- Disease (Rabies, Leprosy) Elimination
- Decreased Morbidity and Mortality from TB, Dengue, STI/HIV-AIDS, Emerging and Re-emerging Infections
- Decreased Infant Mortality Rate and Underfive Mortality Rate
- Zero Maternal Mortality Rate
- Decreased Prevalence of Malnourished Children
- Decreased Morbidity and Mortality from Lifestyle Related Diseases
3. Strategies
- Financing (increased, better and sustained)
- Regulation (assured quality and affordability)
- Governance (improved performance)
- Service Delivery (ensured accessibility and availability)