Mission/ Vision/ Goals
We envision Barangay Puguis a balanced, self-sustaining agricultural, and well-developed community with God-fearing, healthy and united people living within.
- To unite the people within the barangay and promote active participation towards achieving our vision.
- To exercise the Council’s maximum taxing powers granted by the Local Code.
- To partner experts in the conduct of programs and activities benefiting the whole community.
- Evaluate and prioritize proposed projects and wisely allocate available funds.
- Strengthen all Non-Government Organizations in the barangay.
- Continuous sponsor of health, nutrition and clean and green activities.
Long before the Spanish came to Trinidad, there were group of houses made of cogon grasses and wood, which were built at the foot of the hill, which was then called Puguis. These houses were the home of the Ibalois. The original families found in the valley particularly Puguis and Pico seem to have migrated from Baguio wherein they developed the techniques of swidden farming of “Kaingin”. The search for fertile lands led these “Kaingeros” to La Trinidad.
During the Spanish era, the District of Benguet was created at Pukis (Puguis) and La Trinidad was made capital town by the “Commandancia Politico Militares de Benguet”.
During the American period, modernization farming was introduced. Afterwards, the Japanese came to farm in Puguis. It was at this time that many tribes came to seek jobs as farm helpers.
The first Spanish government was established in Puguis. The building used by said government was called Presidencia which was later transferred to Poblacion.
Pico covered the whole valley area and Puguis was referred to as Western Pico. In the 1950, a resolution was made and forwarded to the authorities for approval. By virtue of the provisions of Republic Act No. 3690, Western Pico or Puguis was separated from barangay Pico.
The first Barrio Lieutenant was Mr. Federico Aglano. He was afterward succeeded by Mr. Changpas Lacamen still as Barrio Lieutenant. After Mr. Lacamen, the first election was held where Mr. Federico Aglano won as the first Barangay Captain. He was followed by Mr. Basilio Visaya who was elected as Barangay Captain for two terms. After his term, he was succeeded by Mr. Sisano Bayote. Councilor Frank Lacamen held two terms as Punong Barangay. Mr. Francis Lee was elected as Punong Barangay from 1998 up to 2007. He was succeeded by Mrs. Evelyn B. Ramos as Punong Barangay. Mr. Osburn Visaya became the Punong Barangay in 2010 and Mr. Sonny Victor Balanoy in 2013 to June 2018 . At present, Mr. Tyron T. Diaz was the Punong Barangay as of July 1, 2018.
Barangay Profile
Organizational Chart

Projects/ Programs/ Activities
Schools and Churches